Derf: "ja, det er jeg, ja man, sportif!, selvfølgelig, ja ja, det er det"
Professional editors and reporters: "What in the f&$^ is he talking about!?"
Derfie got to be big man today. Yay! Pway wiff smart people an do fun stuff. Tell people what to do. Haha, Mawy aways tell me what to do but not today!! I give dees people da Mawy Tweatment. Dey scawed now! Haha! Raaaaaaaaar, I scawy! I big man. I get to make da noofpaper be better. It because I Miffter Owympics in Denmawk, I has power in sport world. Noofpapers funny. I take out words. Dey not necessawy. Take too much time to weed. Give headache. I not get happy. I wike pictures!! Yay! Pwetty pictures fun an easy for da nanny to show me when Iz in bed wiff my teddy bear before I take da bwoo pills an da pink pills an den nanny give me big cuddle goodnight an I undo her bwa. Twicked yoo! Haha, nanny get cwoss wiff me den she snuggle more. Yay! I wike noofpapers.
YouTube - watch Fred spend just a few hours with the crew then leave in the Maserati!
Full Interview:
Crown Prince Frederik: "It's Easier to Be Heard, If You Sit At the Table"
As guest editor of today's edition of Metro, Crown Prince Frederik set the framework for the articles in the newspaper. Here he tells himself about the joy of sport and the desire to focus on exercise and health, which lies behind the interest in the work of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). And about why it is important to deal with the medal back.
How does it feel to be at the Olympics?"The first Olympic Games, I experienced was in 1996 in Atlanta, USA. There I was a newly graduated frogman and was extremely fit, tight and tensed up physically. It was fun and nice to feel the momentum and the focus that prevailed among the athletes. I felt it up close when I visited the Danish team and even had a go in a double kayak, but it was not only at the Danish stadium, it applies to all surroundings at an Olympics, which is so full of hopeful and focused athletes. I became infected with the same - as a spectator. I could also feel a kind of instinct on my part - the joy of playing sports and being physically active. Something I recall myself as one of the very first thing I can possibly remember. It became apparent immediately during the visit. Then when the ceremony starts, I really feel that now we have a sports celebration and festive experience."What does it mean when Danish athletes winning medals and doing it well?"I am a happy patriot who wants our athletes to do their best. And I have every time a little naive expectation that we will have many more medals than last time, and than any of us in advance would suggest. It rarely happens, although I wish for each of the players that they may go home with metal in their pocket. With this idea, hope was conceived and felt by a person who likes competition and through the years has experienced it in his own body. When I try a new sport, I have a feeling that I can win even if it is a sport that I'm not particularly experienced in. I believe in it and it helps that it offers its best."How has it been to be included in IOC work?"It has been a huge eye-opener in a good way. When I with the DIF (Danish Sports Federation, ed.) was asked to seek admission into the IOC, the only thing I could imagine was the work itself, based on experience by personally experiencing the Olympics up close and my many years of joy physical activity. Subsequently, I think I can say that it has thrown a lot of good things from that. About the IOC as an organisation, which of course I also had some pre intakes around, I can say that it was just presumptions, which had no hold in reality. Therefore, I am extremely happy that I believed in myself and also believed in the organization which as a prerequisite for the Olympics can be settled for all."
Many great things have come out of it - what for example?"For me personally, it means that I have had further opportunity to talk about what the IOC is a body and how the Olympic Games is working to ensure the athletes and spectators the best possible environment. I have led numerous conversations with Danish athletes over the years and can hear how much they are passionate about their sport - and to be selected for the Olympics. The determination throws a lot of good things for themselves that you can take with them outside of the sport. Which are also reflected in the Olympic values: excellence, friendship and respect."
What can we use those values to today?"From one end of: excellence - the last quest to do his best. Through it you become an inspiration not only for its medkonkurrenter, but also for children, adolescents and adults who follow their sporting role model. Friendship is translated directly to the friendship and represent the global friendship created between athletes who come from very different backgrounds. In the weeks and days, there is competition, you are in the sport's character and religion, culture and politics are forgotten for a while. Respect is about being a good athlete. Being a good example for others. Having a healthy mind in a healthy body. Respecting the sport by respecting the rules. When you do as an athlete, one can expect that competitors will also abide by the rules. Of course there is competition on a clean background, which is why the IOC cooperates with international organizations such as Wada in an attempt to curb doping. "
Is it possible to pursue their own agendas as IOC Member?
"It can be determined. But one should not expect that everyone gets up and gives one standing ovation after a speech. "
In what direction has the Crown Prince tried to pull the work?"I advocate that you do not forget that the seeds of good sportsmanship and future champions are in children and adolescents. And that's one thing if you think interest rates competitive. But I also think of movement and sports in a wider sense. Physical activity is extremely important. More now than ever before. Today we know that lifestyle diseases are expanding rapidly. Not just in the western world but also in other countries that want western lifestyle in record time, and it gives some strong and rapid changes in relation to obesity and diabetes. So it's certainly things that I do mind. '
What else?"Many countries and cities think to build as many stadiums and monuments for the organisation and then to rejoice in an amazing three weeks, but the IOC says, and I wholeheartedly support that we also need to think about after the lights go out. We want the reputation of the Olympic Games to be strong and well, and challenged if there are subsequent large buildings left on grass at the parking in front. It is an ugly sight to behold, but also a challenge for the environment. This was never the intention. Conversely, I do not think you should go back to the way the Olympics were held in a 100 years ago. But seek to make the Games as sustainable as possible. "The IOC has had a number of unfortunate cases including corruption. Why did the Crown Prince still wanted to be a part of the committee?"It is true that there have been challenges, long before I was asked to join. Up to my entry, I fir bored with my advisors organization to identify potential pitfalls - it did not raise that I refused DIF's calls, but obviously I constantly aware of possible pitfalls. "
How can the IOC work combined with being royal and non-political?"I have evaluated both up to my dial and continuously since. The vast majority of cases are quite smooth but of course I care not to become involved in anything improper."
Recently the press interested in the football team's imposed limitations on the use of social media during EM - some felt that the limited freedom of expression. It is surely an example of that sport anyway can quickly become policy?"During the Olympics the IOC makes himself available to network providers and thus makes it possible for all athletes to communicate directly with fans through social media when they are in the Olympic village. IOC also wants rules for how to behave in this respect and I think it is a misinterpretation, if one says that it is a bell over freedom of expression. If you sit and eat pasta next Usain Bolt, it is plain good manners to ask him if you want to take a picture of him. But while there is a vital aspect of the IOC, which is about the major sponsors, which included large and expensive contracts with the IOC, have a guarantee that the sponsorship is not eroded.
Was it possible to work on those things within the IOC without becoming entangled in political threads?"To date, it has been possible. And it's not that I wake up every morning and think 'oh no' or have more gray hairs than I already have. In any case, it's not so."
Is it unfortunate that the question of whether the work is political, has filled so much press?"No, it is understandable that it is critical brought as a journalist. I'm new and young member of the IOC, the organization is large and there are a lot of members from around the world, some have other opinions than we have in Scandinavia and Europe. I take note of, but I still believe that it is better to sit at the table. I see it as one of my missions as IOC member to tell about the good thing about the Olympics, what the foundation of the Olympic Games."
What was it like to be a guest editor at Metro?"It's a wonderful opportunity to be allowed to be guest editor for a single day and set the framework for the newspaper's content. It's a lot of fun. I am no journalist, but it's been interesting to follow the making of a newspaper, and I think that the newspaper looks promising (the interview took place before all the articles to the daily paper was finished, Ed.) My hope is that the newspaper may be saved in the run up to the Olympics and read regularly."
In today's paper there are also articles on the reverse of the medal: matchfixing, doping and the gray areas that may be in the training. Why so?"People will probably always try to do their best. And history shows that we try to give ourselves the benefits of winning. This has always been, but if you cross the border and use illegal means, it is cheating. Another form of cheating, which in recent years has increased in extent, is matchfixing. Both should be cracked down on, because it destroys the sport and its entire being. It removes the spectator and media interest and sponsors. It can ruin a sport in more than one sense. It would be wrong not to highlight these issues. So the editors would not have done his research work well enough. We delight in sport, and we delight in a Danish victory in football over the Netherlands. But let us imagine the unthinkable - that it was matchfixing in that it was the judge who made sure we got the victory. In Denmark, we will say that it is completely unrealistic today, but if not illuminate these issues and are critical, media and professionals, so there is a risk that the hypothesis could be grim reality - also with us."
Sjællands Nyheder
Crown Prince Frederik can now write guest editor at Metro on his already lengthy resume. Tuesday, he visited the free newspaper's editorial group, where he was guest editor of a special Olympic and sports edition on the occasion that we're a month out from the Olympics in London.
"It's a whole new world for me to work at a newspaper. But I like it very much - it's something I know nothing about and interested me, so I do not feel I'm being a figurehead. And I'm proud of what we have done. I think the newspaper has a good mix of items. It has been a great experience", said the Crown Prince afterwards.
The Crown Prince is a member of the International Olympic Committee and on the whole very interested in sports and in getting young people to cultivate an interest in them. In his editorial in Wednesday's edition on Metro shelves he also salutes athletes, while he questions the contemporary focus on reality TV and getting to be known just for being famous.
"Although it can be quite entertaining, probably many parents and responsible adults raise their eyebrows in concern about the bearing on young peoples' inner compass. Is this really what young people want to see themselves as?" asks the Crown Prince. A survey shows that young people look up to athletes, businessmen and artists. The study makes the crown prince happy.
"It is for me, also an indication that young people know that the way to a valuable life is not necessarily paved with reality shows and short-lived happiness."
Someone needs to have a chat with his wife who is *this far* from inviting cameras into Amalienborg for an Australian TV event!
Photos: Thomas Freitag and Christian Meyer/Kongehuset