Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Brazil Day Three: Wherein Yrma Realises She's Condemned To a Future of Sitting In Egg Chairs and Being Touched By the Poors In All the Countries of the World

"Oh, hey, look, wow, watcha doin there, no touch, ok honey?"

And on Day Three, the couple is officially not pretending anymore. Neither is the Danish media (Yrma is actually being mistaken for her sister-in-law Marie, who did indeed make a wonderful impression on the Brazilians a couple of years ago!). Kate Middleton's bare mosquito bites have taken over in the Danish press where Madam MoreMore's personality can't fill the vaccuum (being a vaccuum, itself). Hardly any mention of Derf and Yrma exist except for the DRF-approved sycophantic Billed Bladet. Not even the Brazilians seem to care, except to recall the lovely Marie Cavallier. These two duds better be careful: they have no history of actually helping Danish brands or business. Their track record is pretty bad, in fact. Not long after an event at a Danish restaurant in New York City, the restaurant closed. Not long after visiting Dana College in Nebraska, the school, founded in 1884, shuttered its campus. Their visit to Thailand was met with political unrest and the couple had to be evacuated on the Vestas jet (Vestas is the windmill business that had hired Jock "Half-Mast" Sluuuuuurrpson to be their "wind ambassador" - too bad the maths professor thought that gave him license to talk too much). Good luck, Brazil!

Article: Noticias R7 Brasil

Photo Gallery: Isopix

Photo Gallery: BT

Photos: Keld Navntoft/Scanpix 2012


  1. Argh! you're right, the PictPrincess, aka Yrma, has a devastating effect with all the closures after she's dropped in, and now Vestas is going to the wall, it'll take more than Jocks hot air to put wind in their sails. Yrma looking quite cheap on this trip, and still doing the simian poses...some things never change!

  2. Look at the first photo. She is keeping the little girl away from her.

    1. Are you for real get a life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Correct, 3:18, what an unbelievable hatred. I wonder who else in general she picks on ad nauseam. I am back reading this stuff, I love to see what new insults she will come up with.

  3. Poor old-looking princess bogan can never draw a crowd. It must hurt her compared with the international coverage of the Asia trips made by Will and kate around the same time. This is just another trip this clown prince couple are completely under the radar.
