Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Yrma's Insincere Gesture To Danish Military: Hey, Mary! It's Not a Movie Starring You

Yrma Boganson must think life is a film set with her as the star, the Danish royals as co-stars, Sluuuuuurrrrrpsons as union-mandated labour with the rest of us are only here to serve as assistants, cameramen, lighting wranglers, tea servers, floral bouquet arrangers, stylists, housekeepers, stagers, scenic designers, floor managers, masters of ceremonies, dutifully adoring extras and (thanks, Danish taxpayers!) comptrollers and accountants. There is no other job in this movie. No actual military (just large people in ugly green uniforms and pop bottle caps pinned to their chest to act as ceremonial backdrop to an occasional scene Yrma and others must film), no actual teachers or service personnel (just nice, frumpy people holding up the walls of an occasional room Yrma must walk into with little people and crayons in it), no nothin' that serves an actual purpose outside of Yrma's life. It's all rather a giant Potemkin village that little Mary Donaldson believes centres around the flattering exposure of her strange life. Such was the scene that recently took place with an insincere Yrma visiting a soldiers home yesterday in Fredericia.

My, what a big ego we have! Testify, y'all.

Photo Gallery: BT

Article: Fredericia Dagblad

A Crown Princess Comes to the Soldiers Home

A bunch of little princesses from Randalgaard Kindergarten saw a real princess on Tuesday morning. Children and teachers were ready to wave when Crown Princess Mary visited Fredericia Soldiers Home. The Crown Princess is the patron of the YMCA's Soldier Mission and had several months ago said yes to an invitation to visit the troops' home.

While the princesses had been pulled out of snowsuits and into princess crowns, then seven-year-old Wendy Svendsen had tried with decorum to stay warm in her flowered dress and leggings, as she handed over to the Crown Princess a beautiful bouquet of flowers to welcome her.

The Crown Princess was shown around the troops' home by manager Esther Kofoed, who also offered lunch. During that, Princess Mary had the opportunity to talk with a number of soldiers home users.

Photos: Claus Fisker/Scanpix and Michael Svenningsen


  1. Good grief! Her hair is orange and lifeless. I'm starting to wonder if she has a mirror in the palace.

  2. I think she's trying to emulate all the gingers in the BRF to imply relations and friends. It's the Brits she's wanted to impress all this time. Plus, Søren Hedegaard, her hairdresser, obviously effs with her regularly.

  3. Gee, I thought he was gay, Cec. Maybe with Yrma, it doesn't matter ...

  4. @ Anonymous...I used to wonder if she owned a mirror. I've come to the conclusion that she owns several mirrors. Sadly, when she's standing in front of any one of them her narcist mind tells her that what she sees is good.

  5. Diog, Søren is def. gay and partnered with actor Preben Kristensen, so he doesn't "eff" Yrma the way she must coerce Derfie to do the same into a test tube for future Miracle Triplets. But I'm sure that Søren "screws" with her hair deliberately: visible hair bumps at gala events, orange rinses and bad weave wrangling? He must hate her on some level, but stays on cause the pay is good. Remember, he and Anja stayed on while 5 employees at Kancellihuset got sacked!

  6. This woman is stunning. If I had the time to sit around the pic nic table with the other smokers and nit pic a beautiful woman, I would join in just to see what it is that I don't see. But I don't see it. Beautiful skin, lovely figure, glossy thick hair.Good grief little girls, let it go.
