Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Bring in the Clowns: "It's Me!": Mary Breaks Etiquette at Kolding Hospital

Enlarge this photo and look at how old Madam's forearms and hands look! Dare you!

Even the uber-polite Danes are smelling the stench and unable to pretend they don't detect the unpleasant Pictish-poo odour that wafts in the door with Madam. Couldn't bring myself to tidy up the Google Translate article: the original version is too funny. Mary screwed up because of her ego and selfconsciousness and anxiety and narcissism and she's starting to get called on it. BT ran with a link to the short article below. No more arse-licking, no more isn't she beautiful, no more mr. nice guy. The snark is apparant and the empress has no clothes (except for a loud, nauseating print on an otherwise flattering form). Poor Tanja couldn't even look in Madam Yrma's direction! Mary has learned absolutely nothing from the star turn that Camilla made in Scandinavia this week. But, when you know it all already, there isn't anything else to learn, is there? Pride goeth before the fall. "It's me!" is the new "Sportif!"

Video: YouTube

Photo Gallery: Dinby

Article: Dinby

Eager Mary was breaking speech row

Inauguration. Princess Mary was about to break the label, when she at Kolding Hospital was to speak at the inauguration of the new Mother-Child Center.

The Children's Princess, Crown Princess Mary, was so in breaking speech row when she Wednesday morning was to break the new Mother-Baby Center at Kolding Hospital.

A department manager was coming up to speak, when the princess got up and headed for the vacant pulpit. Eager to get to talk.

"Is it me," said Mary, when she suddenly discovered the blunder and went back to his chair beside regionsformand Carl Holst.

Then to the faltering department at the hospital still treading the podium to keep the speech he had to keep before Mary initiated and kept his speech.

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