A couple of similar articles as the Schackenborg family leaves Rigshospitalet. Again, what a contrast the open, relaxed, happy Princess Marie is chatting with the press as she went home today, with the uptight Crown Princess Mary. Marie may well just want to get in the car and zoom off, but she understands the rules of the game here and gladly answers questions about the birth and shows how unaffected and mature she is. How nice that Denmark has one functional princess in the next generation!
Jyllands-Posten article based on Princess Marie's exit from Rigshospitalet today.
Princess Marie: Giving birth is never fun
Friday morning Prince Joachim and Princess Marie were able to show off their daughter
The Danish press and several excited children and adults with flags showed up at the hospital to see the new princess for the first time.
Housed in a pink blanket with a bare head, the sleeping princess was held by her mother, Princess Marie, who enthusiastically carried her out.
"She has a good appetite and zest for life," said the proud father.
The little girl was born Monday morning at 8:27am. She was 49 cm long and weighed 2930 grammes.
Not fun to feed
Prince Joachim announced immediately after the birth that the girl looks like her mother. And that she has dark hair like her mother.
The prince insisted Friday that she ressembled her mother, while Princess Marie thought it was too early to say.
The princess was asked about her experience of birth.
"Birth is never really fun, but it's always a really great experience. And it's great to finally meet the baby," came the reply.
A proud big brother
This is 42-year-old Prince Joachim's fourth child, while 35-year-old Princess Marie only has one child already, Prince Henrik Carl Joachim Alain, two years old.
And he is a proud big brother, said the mother.
"He hopes that she can play with cars," she said.
The couple lives on a daily basis at Schackenborg Castle in Møgeltønder in Jutland, but the birth took place as is the tradition at Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen.
We must keep watch
When the couple will be returning to Jutland, Prince Joachim could not answer.
"We're taking it slow and easy. We just need to keep watch and be sure that she is ready [for travel]," said the new father of four.
He rejoiced in finally having a daughter.
Birth Team as a family
"When I have seen a great deal of my childhood circle of friends have daughters, and see their joy over it, I thought after three boys, now I would also like a girl," he said.
The large team of medical professionals who helped during the birth were praised to the skies.
"The team is the best. They have been a fantastic support and help. They are like our family now," said Princess Marie and handed out hugs to most of them.
Prince Joachim already has joint custody of Prince Nikolai, 11, and Prince Felix, 9, with his wife from his first marriage, Countess Alexandra.
Prince Joachim and Princess Marie were married on 24 May 2008 in Møgeltønder Church.
DR article
She will be spoilt silly
The new little princess was wrapped in a pale pink blanket and both her parents were in jeans, as Princess Marie and Prince Joachim Rigshospitalet with their daughter after the princess was born three days ago.
Both Princess Marie and Prince Joachim took their time to speak with the attending Danes and the press on their way through the Rigshospitalet foyer and out to the waiting car to drive them home to Amalienborg.
"It is amazing and wonderful to have her," said Prince Joachim and stressed that the little princess has already well out of the gates.
"She has a good appetite and is also an appetite for life," he said.
Can she play with cars?
Prince Henrik, at 2 ½, who has visited his new baby sister several times in hospital, is also already really happy for her.
"He is really proud and really happy and hope she can play with cars," said Marie.
The little princess has fine dark hair and slept through being displaying. When asked who she resembles, said Prince Joachim:
"She looks like her mother, of course, she's beautiful," he said.
Great to have a daughter
The Princess is the couple's second child together, and Prince Joachim's fourth.
"Being the father of four, I have not thought much about that. I've thought about being the father of a daughter. It has been quite great," said Prince Joachim.
"Honestly, when I saw my friends and crown prince have daughters and seen the joy they had in it, I thought that I wanted a girl," said a clearly pleased and happy Prince Joachim.
"She will get spoilt silly," laughed Prince Joachim - and continued:
"At least it's big brothers."
The little family is now at Amalienborg until the new princess is ready to be driven by car to Jutland. How long it takes for the not yet.
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